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  • Penghentian penjualan kategori produk pneumatik Seri Ekonomi (E-series). Info Detail
    Notice of End of Sales for Economy Series Pneumatic Equipment Category. More information.

Work Shoes

Work shoes are shoes for protecting a worker when dangerous things such as something heavy or hazardous chemical falls on the feet. They are comfortable to wear, and is non-slip and durable. Among work shoes, those that are particularly designed for safety and durability are called safety shoes and are certified by JIS (Japanese Industrial Standards). Among work shoes other than safety shoes, work shoes certified by JSAA (Japan Security Supplies Association) are called protective sneakers and are not as durable as safety shoes, but are made with specifications suitable for various tasks. For greater safety, use together with an insole with a stainless steel prevention plate inside, a trouser hem strap, a removable instep protector, etc.
Days to Ship
  • All
  • 1 Day(s) or Less
  • 12 Day(s) or Less
  • 30 Day(s) or Less
  • 50 Day(s) or Less
  • 70 Day(s) or Less
  • 80 Day(s) or Less
  1. 1
Product Series
Days to Ship
Product Type
Antistatic Function
Upper Type
Oil Resistance
Toe box

    Winjob CP201, Safety shoes

      Work Boots "EVA Short Height Cold Prevention Boots"

        Work Shoes, Win Job 70S

          Work Shoes, Win Job CP502

            EVA Ultra Light Thermal Boots OD Color

              Work Socks, Rounded Tip Type (5 Pairs)

                Work Shoes, Win Job 71S

                  Care Walker 700 FMC700

                    Shoe bag

                      Protective Sneaker NS611

                        Protective Sneaker NS618

                          Work Boots "EVA Cold Prevention Rubber Boots"

                            Vinyl Slippers

                              Backless Slippers

                                Open Waffle

                                  Front Open Slippers

                                    Wader Boots Hybrid (Round Tip Rubber Bottom)

                                      Nurse Walker 201 FMN201

                                        Nurse Walker 202 FMN202

                                          Nurse Walker Insoles 200 FMZ003

                                            Protective Sneaker PF-110







                                            TRUSCO NAKAYAMA







                                            TRUSCO NAKAYAMA

                                            TRUSCO NAKAYAMA

                                            TRUSCO NAKAYAMA

                                            TRUSCO NAKAYAMA

                                            HANSHIN SHAVING




                                            MIDORI ANZEN

                                            Product Series

                                            Winjob CP201, Safety shoes

                                            Work Boots "EVA Short Height Cold Prevention Boots"

                                            Work Shoes, Win Job 70S

                                            Work Shoes, Win Job CP502

                                            EVA Ultra Light Thermal Boots OD Color

                                            Work Socks, Rounded Tip Type (5 Pairs)

                                            Work Shoes, Win Job 71S

                                            Care Walker 700 FMC700

                                            Shoe bag

                                            Protective Sneaker NS611

                                            Protective Sneaker NS618

                                            Work Boots "EVA Cold Prevention Rubber Boots"

                                            Vinyl Slippers

                                            Backless Slippers

                                            Open Waffle

                                            Front Open Slippers

                                            Wader Boots Hybrid (Round Tip Rubber Bottom)

                                            Nurse Walker 201 FMN201

                                            Nurse Walker 202 FMN202

                                            Nurse Walker Insoles 200 FMZ003

                                            Protective Sneaker PF-110

                                            Days to Ship 1 Day(s) or more 12 Day(s) or more 70 Day(s) or more 70 Day(s) or more 12 Day(s) or more 1 Day(s) 50 Day(s) or more 12 Day(s) or more 12 Day(s) or more 70 Day(s) 70 Day(s) 70 Day(s) or more Quote 1 Day(s) Quote 1 Day(s) 70 Day(s) 50 Day(s) or more 12 Day(s) or more 70 Day(s) or more 70 Day(s) or more
                                            • STOCK
                                                                  • STOCK
                                                                  • STOCK
                                                                  • STOCK
                                                                  • STOCK
                                                                            Product TypeSafety shoes-Work shoesWork shoesWork shoesSocksWork shoesWork shoesRelated Item---SlippersSlippersSlippersSlippersWork shoesWork shoes-Related Item-
                                                                            ShapeLow-top shoe-Low-top shoeLow-top shoeBoots-Low-top shoeLow-top shoe--------BootsLow-top shoeLow-top shoe--
                                                                            Antistatic Function--NANANANANANA---------NANA--
                                                                            Upper Type--Velcro TypeString TypeWithout String-String TypeVelcro Type----Without StringWithout StringWithout StringWithout String-String TypeString Type--
                                                                            Oil Resistance--NANANANANANA----NANANANA-NANA--
                                                                            ColorBlack / White Type / Blue Type / Red Type-BlackBlackRed Type / GreenWhite TypeBlackWhite TypeBlack / Blue Type / Red Type / Yellows--BlackBrown-basedYellows / Brown-basedBrown-basedRed Type / Yellows-White TypeWhite TypeWhite TypeBlack
                                                                            Size(cm)25 ~ 27-22.5 ~ 25.522.5 ~ 3027 ~ 29-22.5 ~ 25.522.5 ~ 30--------2821.5 ~ 2921.5 ~ 29--
                                                                            StandardJSAA standard product-JIS Standard ProductsJSAA standard productNo StandardNo StandardJIS Standard ProductsNo Standard---------No StandardNo Standard--
                                                                            Toe box--AvailableAvailableAvailable-AvailableNA---------NANA--


                                                                            1. 1

                                                                            Related Categories to Work Shoes